Tuesday, June 19, 2018

6.19.18 An Eagle Project

One of the best parts of scouting has been the opportunity to work on Eagle projects. Over the years our family has participated in several. We got a text asking for help last week and decided to go check it out. This project was making a wheelchair access ramp at the local rodeo grounds. The kids, shoveled, leveled, graded, laid the forms, then laid the concrete to make the new sidewalk. It was  three day project. Mostly my younger scouts helped. It was a great experience to learn the process of concrete and to learn to work as a team.

Boys learning to plane the concrete to make it smooth.

Mark was helping get the concrete even to be smoothed. Even if every hand wasn't always busy it was a good experience to see how a job is done and to work together. 

Communities have really been blessed by the countless hours of service given by boy scouts. In a way I'm really sad to see this program go. So many lessons have been learned from being a leader to being the follower/supporter, to leveling the athletic playing field showing lots of different skills to the boys. I'm thankful for the many different men who have taught my boys.
This eagle recruited his older brother to help teach the project. Some of the boys drove him crazy and some of the boys really enjoyed learning from him. Good life lessons. No mom's were meddling making it all fair and nice. It was just the boy-man-club working through the day to get the job done. Such important experiences for boys to grow and become men.
While Harold was gone protecting Anna on their big trip it was comforting to know he had faced many hardships with his scout experience and could handle challenging situations. From massive forest fires, to winter snow camping, to outdoor survival complete with shelter building and hard hiking badges and tedious cooking badges the program really blessed Harold. I'm thankful for the men who spend so much time teaching and enduring these boys as they grow.

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