Wednesday, June 6, 2018

6.6.18 Livin the Western Dream

I had to capture this exchange. Two cousins about 18 months apart. The boy was telling Millie he was going to drive! She instructed him " Grandma said no little kids could drive,  and she would drive him." It was precious as they were so intent on being big! 

Another morning spent sorting and loading cows. This always goes best with Uncle Vance on hand. Mark of course proved his skill knowing exactly whom belonged with who and birthdates and last year's crop as well. He has an amazing memory reminds me a bit of my Great Uncle John who memorized the phone book and social security numbers forward and backward. Mark just remembers things and wants to know all about everything else. 

 The smaller part of the crew waiting. This fancy fence was a new idea apparently the cows couldn't see the meager wire stretched there discouraging wandering. So the creative cowboys used empty potato bags to mark the path the cows were to follow.
Kids helped encourage kids to go the right way.

Aliza wo-manning her station holding back the herd while they fine sorted in the holding pen. She is so multi-talented. Not just an intellectual singer but a cow boss! She does not love jobs like this but manages herself and the bovines just fine.

Where there's a will there's a way. Got it done for now and a healthy generation of helpers were tutored in the fine art of gentle cow handling. A blessing to have such a fine supply of vittles on hoof at all times. Anna and Harold were shocked to see regular holstein cows at the National Zoo this week. Who knew they were an exotic species. I guess in modern suburbia people are not acquainted with cows and donkeys and need to be reminded what they actually look like. Or maybe they are just fresh tiger and lion food? We are livin' the life people dream about. The Western dream under the big blue sky. Fresh air, new green manure, and lots of space to room and get dirty. Life is good.

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