Wednesday, June 13, 2018

6.13.18 When Life hands you Lemons make Lemonade!

We started cleaning freezers here. The little girls were delighted to find lemonade. Alivia quickly whipped up a batch and sest to work making a lemonade stand. Millie quickly cut up some paper into money so she could get some lemonade. A few trips in and out of the house and voila a stand. She served over 12 cups of lemonade! It helps to have a large family. Her cousin walked down with her mom, and grandpa stopped on one of his frequent trips past our house on his Honda. Livy was so proud. She was truly beaming about her entrepreneurial success! I love watching the imaginative games the three girls come up with each day. They are outside acting, pretending, and playing in the shade. I was leery of three girls in a row but the fun they concoct and the happy times they enjoy have taught me to just be grateful. 

This guy goes along with any fun and games that is happening here. From the big kids to the little he is a part of the action. Always checking out the possibilities as this picture shows.

This week has been startling for sure. Last week at m first prenatal visit I measured much larger than expected and the idea was thrown out I might be having twins. Sick irony if you ask me. I agreed to and waited anxiously for the ultrasound appointment. The ultrasound revealed ONE healthy normal baby. Everything looked good. However my blood numbers were not so normal and healthy. So after some scary talk and possibilities thrown out I'm headed down the doctor and hospital path once again.
I'm taking handfuls of pills and supplements and drinking quart after quart of tea in an effort to strengthen and thicken my blood. I'm tired of worrying already. I'm thankful for options and information and prayers. I'm thankful it's summer to have some extra feet to run errands and cook some meals. I'm hoping to find the lemonade in the mess of this lemon. One way or another time passes and situations come to pass.

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