Monday, June 4, 2018

6.4.18 In the Good ol' Summer time

School's Out for SUMMER! We are working!! One night we dewormed the pigs, again. Thank goodness this strong guy was here to wrassle those fast critters. My goodness they holler loud!! I gave the shots in the neck. I just had to remember to depress the syringe. It was pretty slick. 

 Our friends graciously agreed to come lend moral support in our first time giving shots to animals.  We figured it out before they got here, but we thoroughly enjoyed a visit during the golden hour of the day. They showed us a new trick using a snare and wow will we do that when we have to shave them pre-fair. So fun to have some friends over. The kids are good animal movers. Lots of practice makes quicker work. I love working with my crew they are funny, resourceful and way more brave than their mom. Wish I could have bottled up that good time we had. Really it was pigs screaming and running, us laughing, and lots of love as we worked through the task.

Little girls enjoying some selfies during quiet time.

 Mark spent a week putting in dams and dykes in corn and beets. He gained more confidence and experience operating a tractor.

John got to stay home and fight with water on bench ground. This was a real eye opener. Digging and digging to get the water to the end of the row.

 He was persistent and got it done. Corn is now popping up on those rows. Good job John!
We made some cut offs out of old jeans little girls are sporting the legs as head covers on this four-wheeler ride taking lunch out to John.

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