Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2.26.19 Spiritually prepared

It's very hard to not get totally discouraged with the rampant legislation that is contrary to God's laws found in the scriptures. Coupled with limitless taxation schemes and the issues that are just part of day to day living life gets very scary at times. The people that spoke on Sunday- the sermon if you will- was on persecution. As I sat there thinking they are doing a fine job communicating I wondered who they were speaking and whom in the congregation was being persecuted. But when I finally came home last night after picking up kids and running an errand or two I felt very persecuted. 
Issue number one- daring to have children. 
Issue number two- living on earth, using resources.
Issue number three- how to teach my children truth in a short hour...
I spend my days studying and studying: the gospel of Jesus Christ, politics, management systems and thoughts from inspirational women who seem to have this mom thing figured out much better than I. Sometimes I drown in information, in the overload of trying to make sense of it all. I desperately try to hear the words as they play on my phone while I cook or clean and my kids yell, scream, hurt each other, demand help, or make another mess. I get frustrated and annoyed with the disruptions. I really love my time in the morning when the house is quiet. Yet, I realize that this house that is literally screaming with life is a good thing. The goodness of kids is not something I question. They do much good and they are bright spots in the gloom. They definitely give me opportunity to learn, motivation to change, and energy to tackle the world. 

 And when the storm breathes for a few minutes and the time comes to teach them there are small snippets of peace and inspiration and learning. The mass of information comes together and we are able to learn. We have an outpouring because it takes that much to cover us all of the Spirit and we learn. I come away in awe how the lines connected, how I was prepared to answer the questions the kids had, how we were able to help them connect seemingly unrelated dots. How they are confident when challenged with their own presence on earth and how they got here. I love when I see and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ working in the life of my family. 
I love that they love each other, and are learning to love each other more kindly. This sweetie pie is getting bigger and stronger. Her sister who was responsible for her for a few moments resorted to the laundry basket hold. The same place we put her 17 years ago. Alia was happily tasting laundry while her sister worked. 

We had an impromptu learning session. We discovered that out of 12 children only one has a free earlobe. That's amazing to me. This kid also looks most like my side of the family. Obviously he got a bigger doze of my recessive genes. Although as I write this I am wondering if his oldest brother also has detached ears. He is a master at wiggling them. I don't think they would wiggle if they were fully attached. 

The completely attached ears. No loose lobes here. Apparently something with a process called apoptosis causes this phenomena. So glad I get to be on constant repeat of school for most of my life I do and will learn so many interesting facts I forgot from the first time.

 I know God helps us and I can witness to the power of the Holy Ghost teaching and guiding our thoughts to be prepared for things which we do not know will be coming. I appreciate the many ways to learn, printed research papers, people who send articles, discussions, scripture study, artwork, music, and stories shared. Life is going to be ok.

Friday, February 22, 2019

2.22.19 Home

Our bishop reminded us recently that the ones closest to God in a home are not the old people but the small little people. I like to think that these small people remind and share with us some of the love that God has. The happy exclamations when the big kids come home by the little kids are so sweet. 

Their sad faces when they find it's just another day with just me is kinda disheartening too. I swear the two younger ones will be brilliant because of all their time studying at such young ages. Nonetheless the bridging of generations is good. It's loud nad hard to hear all the things that are said and harder to sort through all that has to be done.

But somehow we are working on keeping first things first and spending time and attention on whats most important.

Life is good. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

2.21.19 Waiting

Yesterday was sectional FFA leadership day. A LONG day of waiting. I was asked to go the night before but didn't feel I could be gone that long. Looking back it may have been better to go. Instead we prayed, power cleaned and waited. It's hard to know where to be which day is most important. Home with the little ones who need mom, or off with the older ones who claim not to need mom, but maybe could use some help? 

Millie, Addie and I ended up taking HArold to his science night on Tuesday. As the parking lot was very empty we went in for support. It turned into a really interesting presentation. I was sad I had left the rest of the kids home. Again divide and complete.
Thank goodness in the midst of all this mental wrangling where to be I have this sweety who is so happy to just be held all day long! She is just right for cuddling and has developed a real love of putting her fingers in her mouth. Her motor skills are developing and she is not one to be in a staring contest with. She doesn't blink!

She's got cute rolls, just right for squishing.

And who could resist a sweet sleeping baby. so I read and cuddled and waited for word. We prayed some inbetween and wondered.

These two are in the midst of spirit week at their school and had a crazy hair day. Livy came up with the utensils in her hair idea. She's a funny duck.

The girls and their team did not place in anything. They had a rough day. It's hard to go confident you could win and then get nothing. Yet there is a lot to be learned from not winning. And honestly they improved greatly in just the 10 days of intensely focusing on the contest. They have a long way to go, each year we work on something different. But as my parents wisely summarized learning to present yourself, to state your opinions, and to heighten your awareness of life outside your circle is hugely important. The kids definitely did that.

Monday, February 18, 2019

2.18.19 Love

One of the best parts of being a wife and mom is that I have a lot of people to love! I have many opportunities each day to show love i.e. kisses, hugs, high fives, snuggles, smiles;  I also receive these signs of affection in abundance. In the midst of all this loving there is a deeper love that I'm amazed at each time it is pulled out and put into action. 

I love this curious, very busy, toddler group of mine. They keep life interesting and innocent. I'm so thankful for their small problems.

I'm working to love my husband more and better. A rare capture of  us on valentine's day. My kids love to say eew gross don't look, so I'm not sure how this picture happened. But it's also imperative to their well being to see us so. We tell them if you don't see your parents kissing something is very wrong between them.

This guy loves his sister. She is a comfort and confidence booster for him. Babies play a special part in helping older siblings feel peace and love. I'm thankful we could have her to help him.

I love teaching my kids and doing art projects with them. We made a concentrated effort to learn about Washington and Lincoln this weekend as I'm not sure that will happen in school today. No we don't have the day off. So we learned at home. I was reminded these two men who most often lost, persevered to be in the right place, at the right time to make and preserver our special nation.

 We went to the temple as a family, the girls suggested we could just leave Lia in the car! That no one would hear. I was appalled and had to be pealed out of the car. Harold volunteered to care for her. She was not a happy camper. But we all had a good experience and she was very glad when I came back. I again was thankful for HArold's care and concern for this sweet littlest sister of his.

We just did a few sealings in the temple. I mostly just sat there quietly unwinding from the stress that fills each week. I am so thankful for the house of the Lord which is so peaceful and so full of hope that propels me on until I can go again.

And for all our differences in parenting I love that Greg is so involved with his kids when he is around. He tolerates Mark draping himself on him as sign of his love for his dad. He teaches Bruce and plays with him. Bruce has always been an adamant prayer but now he is vocal too. I love his dedication.
I was given the news that Livy was just not up to snuff for passing first grade a few weeks ago. While I can take this in stride as I've heard it 5 times before I was nonetheless concerned and my heart hurt. But I began in earnest to work with LIvy. To just focus on and encourage her. To teach her she can do this, she is in fact very smart, and is and will be blessed for her efforts. The needed ingredient of a mother's love is so vital to a child's success. I watch this happen time and again and I'm shocked that my teaching, touching, and time are so important to these vibrant kids I have in my home. Yet after just a few weeks of concentrated effort I got an email today stating how much improvement Livy has made! We still have a long ways to go, but it's happening!! She is alive and starting to show some educational life.
I'm thankful for these opportunities and overwhelmed by them. Yet, love is very important and the very blood of family life, so I should not be so ignorant. Life is hard and in that hard is good. I'm thankful for all these people who make my world what it is.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

2.14.19 One day

Days are very full around here. This one started with the usual chores list, a somewhat grouchy mom and busy bustling kids. A few friends had showed me that the kids could learn more by watching bible videos or mormon messages for a while throughout the day. I decided to try that. The kids obviously enjoyed the presentation. 

In the midst of that distraction our roosters had a nice fight. Leaving the looser with an exposed wind pipe. Greg pointed that our later in the day. Pretty sure this white guy will be departing soon from the wound. A rooster fight is intense. Survival of the fittest, youngest, most determined is real. 

The winner a first year rooster. I love his distinct coloring his irradescent green feathers are gorgeous. he is fierce and does not have long talons when he does he will be deadly quicker.

It was Mark's birthday this day we hurried and made cinnamon twists for his class. Took them out shared and amazed his class and the teachers in the school. We brought the cub scouts to town. Hurried home to make MArk his birthday dinner and then got down to homework. Reading! Lots of reading. I took some video of this process. The kids jumping like paratroopers in the background is funny and insightful into why it's hard to do homework here. Alia of course needs to nurse the younger ones are restless the big ones are distracted or gone... it's a fight.

Then I discovered that I had not just Bruce pulling my hair.

But Lia too has joined in. She was a super crabby baby this night and loved pulling my hair and tasting it. Bruce was delighted.

I do love snuggling these two sweet demanding little people I wouldn't trade them but they definitely add a layer of difficulty to the whole expectation of life here. When talking with school people I tell them well that child is number xxx but there are xxxx at home and well that's just a cyclone. Each day is a blessing. Each child precious and unique, but managing them all and meeting all their needs is very challenging. Bit by bit line upon line! And hair pull by hair pull. Who knew just nustling in moms hair could be so soothing?

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

2.13.18 Birthdays

Livy had a birthday and I even had a present for her. This is highly unusual for me. She started off the day with a present to unwrap. Sadly for her that was her only present for the day. She did however get a cake, a substitute for the one she really wanted. The candles were lit and those that were here sang to her. Then Bruce helped her blow out the candles. Which left her in tears that she didn't get to do it. 

On Sunday we had another party with more people, more presents, and the cake she ordered. She was quicker at the candles this time and in turn blew out some of Mark's candles thank goodness he didn't cry!

After church we were just happy. Boisterously happy. I egged it on and we just weren't in the right place for a spiritual lesson. So we took a break. Monday night we will try again. And that is the moral of the story try try again. And sometimes having fun is just as good as learning together. 

I am finding that when we do get to the spiritual side the lessons are good. We have a hard time stopping and going to bed. The kids ask good questions and share insights and it's just a time of happiness. The biggest take away from the gospel of Jesus Christ is it makes us happy! Or we feel peace deep in our hearts. These are some outtakes from Monday

Oh the gosepl is very alive at our house. Well in that we are feeling it, marinating if you will with some vigorous shakes to the body and soul at times. Life is great together! No babies were harmed in those pictures.

2.13.19 Brothers

We were practicing making hearts and making some valentines in the process. Bruce got in the action too. He is anti pants and refuses to wear them for longer than a few minutes. Not sure how this is going to effect him life long but for now I just shiver for him. Back to the story, he was happily writing Lia was laying on the table being part of the action, which she demands. However later we found her to be 

 Marked with green pen. She didn't holler or squeel on her marker but I'm pretty sure that pantless boy was the culprit. She is a pretty good sport.
She also is starting to notice food. John was happily enjoying pie and Lia was curiously watching the process. She was pretty interested and happy Harold was aiding her in learning how to eat pie.

The boys sure love playing with Lia. Sadly Harold won't be much involved in her growing up, but right now he is her legs. He loved showing her off at the FFA contest. And of course several of the other FFA contestants wanted a turn holding her too. Babies are such balm for troubled times and that was a nerve wracked day! It was interesting to walk into the building and feel the buzz of excitement and worry.
 Harold always asks for her when he comes home. And I'm sure he will be a great helper sharing good food with her when her tummy is ready. I'm thankful these kids are able to experience the love and sharing of a baby.

Monday, February 11, 2019

2.11.19 District FFA

FFA career development events take a lot of work and experience. This year showed success for the preparation and experience of years past. Anna move from third to second in extemp speaking and is working to learn more about 30 topics. She will also be chairing the Advanced Parliamentary Procedure team at Sectionals. This is exciting. She has come so far in the year between competing last. She is very comfortable with judges and the kids in her district. It was very enjoyable to watch her in action at the district contest. A generous friend watched the 3 little kids while Alia and I attended the competition. 

Aliza held with family traiditon and competed in creed speaking. She got third and her friend got first. An ok showing for her. She too chaired her parli team and got a third place finish there as well. 

She also managed a handy second in beginning public speaking. A misunderstanding caused all the prepared speakers to loose 50 points on their manuscripts. Thus we were very happy she was able to move on. So we are still preparing speeches and memorizing agricultural knowledge.

So after all the worry and work of the day we decided to celebrate. The younger kids had earned italian sodas for their math work at school and the older kids decided this would be a good reward for them too. Thus we headed to the local coffee shop for some drinks.

Recognition for work well done is important. I think one of the hardest pars of motherhood is the lack of any kind of recognition for things accomplished. I guess that's my own fault but nonetheless  I felt the need that day to celebrate with the kids.
The week prior Aliza had also earned her Greenhand degree compelte with a greenhand!

Anna working as master of ceremonies. She does really well being the boss life is natural training for her.

Getting ready to make her mark on the poster that hangs in the classroom. But more so she is making her mark just like the older ones but in also in her unique way. I love how the time honored traditions of FFA contests that create the same results of confidence.  I am thankful the kids are taking these opportunities to travel, learn, and develop their talents.