Monday, February 4, 2019

2.4.18 FFA Days

I believe FFA is great and everything else is TRASH! By John Saunders
. Oh these days full of speaking and writing and learning and doing it again and again. We are full on FFA right now. These are good days! Anna and Aliza are both preparing to chair their advanced and beginning parliamentary teams respectively. HArold is a debater and is preparing  his sophomore speech as well as trying extemporaneous. 

Aliza will be doing the creed and da beginning speech. Anna will be presenting a prepared speech and competing extemporaneously as well. Anna is the new district president and completed her state degree. The boys had passed their board of reviews this night! It was a night of competing and being better for the experience. 

I sure love the time with my kiddos I will miss the busyness. I will miss the stress and the bonding. I will miss them. But right now I love them, I love their growth, I love their individuality. I love who they are! I love being the mom.
I get bogged down in the day to day. I often tell myself I cannot do this!! I cannot handle one more thing, and then we do! They bring home one more or ten more things to do and we do it! Somedays are wins and some are major losses. But I have to celebrate the wins because the losses overwhelm my heart and strike me with fear that I really am failing, so I have to hold on to these memories that we don't ALWAYS lose and we aren't ALWAYS defunct. Life is really fast good to bad but for the mom loving my kids and being with them 100% with them is most important for me right now. So I keep giving all I have and praying and seeing God make up the difference. He is so good to me.

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