Monday, February 11, 2019

2.11.19 Sadies

Another weekend of running hither and yon. This one featured a Sadie's Hawkins dance for Ms. Anna. She had a hard time coming up with a double this year and so had to be non-traditional. She ended up doubling with her aunt and uncle who are fun and young! I whipped up dinner, literally as she informed me I was the cook half an hour before dinner time. And life rolled on.
After a stressful FFA week this was a great night but definitely not one that had lots of worry put into it. A sweet talented friend made the shirts as per Anna's request. The two couples had a good time playing games and visiting. The dance was the normal high school affair loud rap music weird dancing and some high school drama for fun. A pleasant evening with a lifelong friend. 

In exchange for doubling we watched their children. This little guy was not too happy about that. And insisted on being close to the cooking action. All the kids took turns entertaining him. Reed loves to have his picture taken.

Another high school event in the books for this one child. When I start to think about all the repeats my mind is precariously close to exploding! I decided in the mad rush of dinner that I am most definitely not ready for them to be bringing potential spouses home. I think I may have sworn Aliza to promise to just elope when she meets the right person.
It was a very windy evening and trying to cook yummy steaks in the wind is very tedious. I was getting batted on the head and back with a large closet door we had rigged up to block the wind...we were creative but it was not a calm impressive time. Memorable yes. As John keeps explaining. Tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when I watch you cut your finger. So maybe the vision of us standing in a closet door fort outside- because cooking steak inside is TOO smokey, while a cat anxiously mews at our feet hoping that we will drop a steak for it to enjoy, will make you smile on this inclement /February day.

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