Thursday, February 21, 2019

2.21.19 Waiting

Yesterday was sectional FFA leadership day. A LONG day of waiting. I was asked to go the night before but didn't feel I could be gone that long. Looking back it may have been better to go. Instead we prayed, power cleaned and waited. It's hard to know where to be which day is most important. Home with the little ones who need mom, or off with the older ones who claim not to need mom, but maybe could use some help? 

Millie, Addie and I ended up taking HArold to his science night on Tuesday. As the parking lot was very empty we went in for support. It turned into a really interesting presentation. I was sad I had left the rest of the kids home. Again divide and complete.
Thank goodness in the midst of all this mental wrangling where to be I have this sweety who is so happy to just be held all day long! She is just right for cuddling and has developed a real love of putting her fingers in her mouth. Her motor skills are developing and she is not one to be in a staring contest with. She doesn't blink!

She's got cute rolls, just right for squishing.

And who could resist a sweet sleeping baby. so I read and cuddled and waited for word. We prayed some inbetween and wondered.

These two are in the midst of spirit week at their school and had a crazy hair day. Livy came up with the utensils in her hair idea. She's a funny duck.

The girls and their team did not place in anything. They had a rough day. It's hard to go confident you could win and then get nothing. Yet there is a lot to be learned from not winning. And honestly they improved greatly in just the 10 days of intensely focusing on the contest. They have a long way to go, each year we work on something different. But as my parents wisely summarized learning to present yourself, to state your opinions, and to heighten your awareness of life outside your circle is hugely important. The kids definitely did that.

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