Wednesday, February 13, 2019

2.13.18 Birthdays

Livy had a birthday and I even had a present for her. This is highly unusual for me. She started off the day with a present to unwrap. Sadly for her that was her only present for the day. She did however get a cake, a substitute for the one she really wanted. The candles were lit and those that were here sang to her. Then Bruce helped her blow out the candles. Which left her in tears that she didn't get to do it. 

On Sunday we had another party with more people, more presents, and the cake she ordered. She was quicker at the candles this time and in turn blew out some of Mark's candles thank goodness he didn't cry!

After church we were just happy. Boisterously happy. I egged it on and we just weren't in the right place for a spiritual lesson. So we took a break. Monday night we will try again. And that is the moral of the story try try again. And sometimes having fun is just as good as learning together. 

I am finding that when we do get to the spiritual side the lessons are good. We have a hard time stopping and going to bed. The kids ask good questions and share insights and it's just a time of happiness. The biggest take away from the gospel of Jesus Christ is it makes us happy! Or we feel peace deep in our hearts. These are some outtakes from Monday

Oh the gosepl is very alive at our house. Well in that we are feeling it, marinating if you will with some vigorous shakes to the body and soul at times. Life is great together! No babies were harmed in those pictures.

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