Monday, February 18, 2019

2.18.19 Love

One of the best parts of being a wife and mom is that I have a lot of people to love! I have many opportunities each day to show love i.e. kisses, hugs, high fives, snuggles, smiles;  I also receive these signs of affection in abundance. In the midst of all this loving there is a deeper love that I'm amazed at each time it is pulled out and put into action. 

I love this curious, very busy, toddler group of mine. They keep life interesting and innocent. I'm so thankful for their small problems.

I'm working to love my husband more and better. A rare capture of  us on valentine's day. My kids love to say eew gross don't look, so I'm not sure how this picture happened. But it's also imperative to their well being to see us so. We tell them if you don't see your parents kissing something is very wrong between them.

This guy loves his sister. She is a comfort and confidence booster for him. Babies play a special part in helping older siblings feel peace and love. I'm thankful we could have her to help him.

I love teaching my kids and doing art projects with them. We made a concentrated effort to learn about Washington and Lincoln this weekend as I'm not sure that will happen in school today. No we don't have the day off. So we learned at home. I was reminded these two men who most often lost, persevered to be in the right place, at the right time to make and preserver our special nation.

 We went to the temple as a family, the girls suggested we could just leave Lia in the car! That no one would hear. I was appalled and had to be pealed out of the car. Harold volunteered to care for her. She was not a happy camper. But we all had a good experience and she was very glad when I came back. I again was thankful for HArold's care and concern for this sweet littlest sister of his.

We just did a few sealings in the temple. I mostly just sat there quietly unwinding from the stress that fills each week. I am so thankful for the house of the Lord which is so peaceful and so full of hope that propels me on until I can go again.

And for all our differences in parenting I love that Greg is so involved with his kids when he is around. He tolerates Mark draping himself on him as sign of his love for his dad. He teaches Bruce and plays with him. Bruce has always been an adamant prayer but now he is vocal too. I love his dedication.
I was given the news that Livy was just not up to snuff for passing first grade a few weeks ago. While I can take this in stride as I've heard it 5 times before I was nonetheless concerned and my heart hurt. But I began in earnest to work with LIvy. To just focus on and encourage her. To teach her she can do this, she is in fact very smart, and is and will be blessed for her efforts. The needed ingredient of a mother's love is so vital to a child's success. I watch this happen time and again and I'm shocked that my teaching, touching, and time are so important to these vibrant kids I have in my home. Yet after just a few weeks of concentrated effort I got an email today stating how much improvement Livy has made! We still have a long ways to go, but it's happening!! She is alive and starting to show some educational life.
I'm thankful for these opportunities and overwhelmed by them. Yet, love is very important and the very blood of family life, so I should not be so ignorant. Life is hard and in that hard is good. I'm thankful for all these people who make my world what it is.

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