Saturday, February 2, 2019

2.2.19 Little Cousins

Bruce and his cousin Evander. They are lone boys in a sea of girls. 

At this point Bruce mostly just likes playing with Evanders toys, they are still a bit young to interact.

Evanders birthday party. He may be small but he loves food just as much as the nex guy. He devoured this cupcake then another.

More fun toys at his house a little drone that moved by hand touch.

Another day a cousin called asking us to come watch her ride her horse. Bruce was super delighted when he got to mount a horse as well. He cried for a full 20 minutes after being removed from the horse. 

All the kids are in love with horses. They love to be around them and often comment how great it would be to own one. We are not in the habit of eating horses and do not farm with them therefore we do not have horses.

The same little cousin asked us to come swim with them at a hot springs. Longing to do something other than sit in front of the computer I agreed to this outing. I had no idea it was so far away. AS I sat tensely in a back seat while Anna drove I kept telling myself to relax be calm this is fun. This is what I had been dreaming and scheming about while I sat deskbound. The day turned out pleasant. The kids were surprised at the scenery especially the snow. The swimming was a rare experience of being outdoors in 30 degree weather. I was surprised though how much I relaxed walking in my own front door with Greg who had come home before us. I guess I'm more of a homebody than I realize. Change is good, the world is a beautiful place even in the cold seasons. 

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