Monday, February 11, 2019

2.11.19 District FFA

FFA career development events take a lot of work and experience. This year showed success for the preparation and experience of years past. Anna move from third to second in extemp speaking and is working to learn more about 30 topics. She will also be chairing the Advanced Parliamentary Procedure team at Sectionals. This is exciting. She has come so far in the year between competing last. She is very comfortable with judges and the kids in her district. It was very enjoyable to watch her in action at the district contest. A generous friend watched the 3 little kids while Alia and I attended the competition. 

Aliza held with family traiditon and competed in creed speaking. She got third and her friend got first. An ok showing for her. She too chaired her parli team and got a third place finish there as well. 

She also managed a handy second in beginning public speaking. A misunderstanding caused all the prepared speakers to loose 50 points on their manuscripts. Thus we were very happy she was able to move on. So we are still preparing speeches and memorizing agricultural knowledge.

So after all the worry and work of the day we decided to celebrate. The younger kids had earned italian sodas for their math work at school and the older kids decided this would be a good reward for them too. Thus we headed to the local coffee shop for some drinks.

Recognition for work well done is important. I think one of the hardest pars of motherhood is the lack of any kind of recognition for things accomplished. I guess that's my own fault but nonetheless  I felt the need that day to celebrate with the kids.
The week prior Aliza had also earned her Greenhand degree compelte with a greenhand!

Anna working as master of ceremonies. She does really well being the boss life is natural training for her.

Getting ready to make her mark on the poster that hangs in the classroom. But more so she is making her mark just like the older ones but in also in her unique way. I love how the time honored traditions of FFA contests that create the same results of confidence.  I am thankful the kids are taking these opportunities to travel, learn, and develop their talents.

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