Thursday, February 14, 2019

2.14.19 One day

Days are very full around here. This one started with the usual chores list, a somewhat grouchy mom and busy bustling kids. A few friends had showed me that the kids could learn more by watching bible videos or mormon messages for a while throughout the day. I decided to try that. The kids obviously enjoyed the presentation. 

In the midst of that distraction our roosters had a nice fight. Leaving the looser with an exposed wind pipe. Greg pointed that our later in the day. Pretty sure this white guy will be departing soon from the wound. A rooster fight is intense. Survival of the fittest, youngest, most determined is real. 

The winner a first year rooster. I love his distinct coloring his irradescent green feathers are gorgeous. he is fierce and does not have long talons when he does he will be deadly quicker.

It was Mark's birthday this day we hurried and made cinnamon twists for his class. Took them out shared and amazed his class and the teachers in the school. We brought the cub scouts to town. Hurried home to make MArk his birthday dinner and then got down to homework. Reading! Lots of reading. I took some video of this process. The kids jumping like paratroopers in the background is funny and insightful into why it's hard to do homework here. Alia of course needs to nurse the younger ones are restless the big ones are distracted or gone... it's a fight.

Then I discovered that I had not just Bruce pulling my hair.

But Lia too has joined in. She was a super crabby baby this night and loved pulling my hair and tasting it. Bruce was delighted.

I do love snuggling these two sweet demanding little people I wouldn't trade them but they definitely add a layer of difficulty to the whole expectation of life here. When talking with school people I tell them well that child is number xxx but there are xxxx at home and well that's just a cyclone. Each day is a blessing. Each child precious and unique, but managing them all and meeting all their needs is very challenging. Bit by bit line upon line! And hair pull by hair pull. Who knew just nustling in moms hair could be so soothing?

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