Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2.6.19 Family Time

We have been asked to study better at home, to take more time to learn the gospel. We are great at this some nights and some nights we are lacking. Sometimes when the love is thick and things are going well I just want to capture it. So I take selfies...Greg was even part of the group so it had to be documented. 

The floor was clean the couch was useable it was a stellar night! The kids in various phases of osmosis know that scriptures mean bed time. I love the various postures of closeness. Nobody can claim loneliness for very long here.

My most eager baby holder with my reluctant baby. This is rare that Afton can hold Alia without Alia panicking and commencing a crying pattern. Yet I don't want to crush Afton's love of Alia so she gets to hold her for short spurts of time, and she loves it. Lia is starting to move herself more and cannot be left near an edge of anything. She gooes and cooes in a sweet little voice. Soon she will be part of the ruckus here too. 

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