Tuesday, February 5, 2019

2.5.18 Last?!! Pinewood derby

This year Greg possibly assembled his last pinewood derby car. There were no tears over this fact. This sweet eager young man was the scout in need. 

Reed was excited and eager to sand away on that block of wood. I held the drill one night while Greg worked on axles and wheels. And another early evening was spent with a friend attaching those shiny smooth parts to the car. We found ourselves after a VERY long and FULL week at the derby. It was less well attended than years past and almost all the parents I talked to were in a semi-sleep walking state like myself. The boys had a good time watching their cars race. The track was a 4 lane contest this year. The determining races happened FAST. So the boys raced again. Reed came in 4th to a pair of brothers and the usual winner a Belnap. He was very happy with the results. 

The benefit to this larger track was the boys only focused on their races not the cumulative times that were adding up. Thus they preserved the fun of building a car with their parents longer and it was a pretty peaceful night. Another event checked off for our family in the month of January.
I love scouts for the skills and lessons the boys learn. And I equally celebrate the separation of church and scouts to have maybe less to worry about next year?! Onward ever onward we are striving.

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