Wednesday, July 10, 2019

7.10.19 Family Reunion

The family reunion was held in Afton Wyoming this year. I was so thankful for five drivers. We were all tired but by switching around responsibility and seating positions were able to make it there safely. The lady in the back thought back seat driving/watching was the way to go!

My senses were refreshed and in awe of the beauty. It is a pretty place in the summer time. Miserable in the winter but in the summer just gorgeous.

The speical part of this reunion is the multitude of kind people. Big people who willingly share time and attention with the littles, and littles who find lots of friends to play with.

It was colder than we remembered the mountains to be Alia was not a fan but survived.

The teenagers headed to the temple to enjoy some proxy work with cousins before all the playing began. It was a great way to start the day focused on family.

The flag ceremony.

THese girls would have walked that little dog ALL DAY LONG! WE had to give the dog rests from the excited children.

Lia loves to swing. That's our home away from home in the background. Tents are a fun adventure for kids until 2:30am when they are not enough shelter for cold mountain air.

Natalie made this quilt from blocks stitched by the now deceased NAncy Bugman. She presented the almost finished project to Aunt Debbie who was a friend of Nancy's. Natalie is amazing at quilting, and so generous with her talents.

Of course the boys had to play some football. COnner, John Jay, Bruce, and Trenton.

A small service project building a fence for Uncle REx showed the true colors of these engineering guys. The fence was waved off at first by uncle Rex but I insisted there be a fence built there was so much free labor. Others agreed and began to work. Hours later I realized there is a major difference between normal fence builders and a host of degreed engineers building a fence. THe difference is precise measurement and muscles. The set, re-set, nailed and un-nailed until that fence was perfect! It took hours but there is a great camaraderie in working together. I'm glad my kids could witness this I did not insist they participate they took the day off just playing with cousins and uncles.

There's an app for that, using a cell phone as a level to make sure each post was just so!

The little kids taking a ride with Uncle Rex at the wheel.

Addie and Aliza played volleyball for hours! I think Reed, Anna,  and John also took some turns in. I watched Reed serve and was impressed with his contribution.  The cousins are all of different levels and are so good at encouraging and teaching those that are just learning. Again something the girls look forward to all year long.

John found kindred spirits that had made battle weapons out of pvc pipe, foam, and duct tape.  HEaven!!! He played warrior all day with these guys.

A thoughtful addition this year was activities for the little people. Play dough was the first offering and was excitedly received. Even the teens took a rest here enjoying the freedom to be loved and create and be cool artists. 

Then the giant jug of bubbles came out complete with fun wands.

Teens visiting with Grandpa. Harold, Rishelle, Anna, Conner, Uncle Blaine.

Some went to the Kayaks on the pond. Those white legs are Mark's.

The presentation of the book of memories to Aunt Gwen as a family gift for her 80th birthday. Aunt Gwen is a precious Gem in our family. She is wise, smart, caring, faithful, and stalwart. I have learned so much from her and appreciate her part of the family.

Watching the festivities. 

Family photo of the siblins. Gwen, Larry, Dell, Blaine, Lloyd, Rex, Don, Dave

Greg and I went to get diesel we took two rigs to Wyoming. We had to with so many people and stuff to camp we needed the room. I got lost in the dark looking for an unfamiliar spot and thus after a phone call reprimand just asked Greg to wait for me at the correct driveway. I was so relieved to find him and to know I was found. That is about the story of our life, I get worried, mad, frustrated, tired etc and get lost and he finds me and helps me get back to normal. He is stubborn, loyal, loving, and always the same. I love that about him and I'm thankful to be his wife.

This sweetie did well sleeping and rolling with a new environment.
I grumble about going, threaten to pull the plug on the outing and in the end very reluctantly get in the car to go. We get there and get into the visiting and the experience and after a few hours and talks I realize why we make the effort. These are friends, examples, and family who are working out their salvation who are figuring out how to be parents and grandparents. They are living life, they are real associates whom I gain insights and wisdom.
We had taco salad for one meal, something I love. My kids of course discussed their dissatisfaction with that choice. I laughed and said it was delicious. They said "we know you would say that, you aren't a real Saunders!" Maybe not, but I'm sure thankful to be sealed into that group. Life is good, even with my hearty Corn heritage I'm part of both and incorporate lessons and habits of both at opposite times. Life is good I am blessed forward and backward on my family tree.

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