Wednesday, July 24, 2019

7.24.19 Teenagers

These sweet big kids are rolling through the summer days like a tornado. We are excitedly prepping for the county fair. This guy may or may not be showing chickens at the fair. He has so many skills it's hard to send him to sit any place for hours on end. He however is handsome chicken man. 

This continues to be his true love. He is having the time of his life learning the skills and camaraderie of football. He came home with his first bruise last night. It was his own fault after teasing some teammates he fell through the tire he was attempting to steal. It's a good time of life to be young, strong, and have your hopes happening!

The favorite pose of this sassy lady. Oh man is our house becoming a hot bed of words and jibes. She is a delight alone and a wonder of a worker but fighting rosters have nothing on my girls these days. 

The sweet corn is on! The girls are working the sweet corn business again. It's a great way to earn some cash for future activities. I love this idea!! They hoed and now are picking and selling the delicious vegetable. Love these sweet kids. I'm grateful we spent all that money on her smile as she seems to get her picture posted quite often these days as a representative of her FFA chapter.

In between farm life was a quick trip to the big city to go to youth conference. What a great re-charge that is. We were very blessed to be able to send all three kids this year. This is Aliza with Hank Smith.

Anna with her counselors. The young man is named Adam Sippy. His future wife will be Mrs. Sippy. HA! Life is so fun.

Anna with Kacey....a man with no legs who does spartan races, played football and wrestled. He was a delight. She said her ab's hurt from laughing so much.

Harold also with Hank Smith. 

The delightful car ride home. It is always so heart fulfilling to listen to their positive vibes on the way home from activities. Anna holding flowers the guys in her group had shared earlier in the day. 

And back home where the littles were so happy to see the calvary return. ME too! IT's hard to hold this ship without the big people also pulling oars. We are so thankful for their time, talents, toughness, tenderness, and that they are teenage fountain of youth that keeps life rolling here.

Quick story. I was very anxious about picking them up from their conference. There was a huge concert to be starting about 20 minutes after the kids were to be picked up. Greg agreed to go with me mostly because he was going to help a friend move. The friend was not ready so I got to be chauffeured to Boise by Greg. Life went well and we had no traffic hang-ups or delays we had some time to spare so we went to lunch in downtown Boise. I have never really been there, it's very different from our small town. So urban, with lots of diverse people. We found a burger joint the guys love, we had John with us too. We parked, fed the meter a lot of coins and headed out. I had forgotten how nice it is to have the husband around. He rarely goes with me so usually I am on sensory overload checking out people counting kids, watching for bad things/places/events, trying to get to the destination or the desired object we are after. IT was so peaceful to be guided somewhere to have a strong hand guiding the way and a vigilant body between me and the street. John and I checked out the "free" scooters and discussed various big city sites.
I ordered lunch and sat down with my guys to watch. My goodness guys in the city are different. From the engineer group, to the gamers, to the jocks, to the guy with a sign asking for some food. Life is just different in the big city.
Watching my husband stare down the guy in the line for the bathroom then after gaining the upper hand so to speak, making friends with the guy. Yes I was totally safe and off secret service detail. We headed to get the kids and hear their stories. It was a surprising day 1. to be with Greg during daylight, 2. to have no traffic problems at all, 3. to remember what it felt like to be protected. That's a very nice combination. Life is good.

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