Saturday, July 20, 2019

7.20.19 Farm Dating

Part of loving the life is finding the humor in the situation. This post is for my sisters who are also farm wives, although much more for real than I. Last night as we were eating our dinner I about fell out of my chair when I saw my husbands vehicle round the corner to our house. The sun was still up and we were eating a warm dinner, he is NEVER here when those two things are happening. He gallantly strode in and asked if I would like to go for a ride with him. I hurried and dished him some dinner so he would be eating while I was recovering from my shock and got myself ready for some time with my husband when we weren't both sleeping. 

As I got read yI noticed my hair had even dried cute that day! Score. Well that was quickly a non issue as I Remembered a hat was a necessity so shoved the hair up and out we went. I learned a while ago the back of the four wheeler is the dirtiest spot so I insisted on being in front, of course not wanting to squelch the strong masculine presence taking the dirt offered to let him drive. 

We headed down the road casually observing this and that. I was honestly enjoying the close space. We headed to check a new irrigation project first over a low strung fence wire. No problem for him of course. Then through a ditch- who nelly! Then over hard corrigates, to get up close to the sprinklers. And alas the end one was plugged. Back to the fence for wire. I opted to walk this time the ditch crossing was a bit much. Then hand in hand through weeds and corrigates in the semi-dusk to try to clean the sprinkler. No such luck it was plugged!

Back to the road back to the shop for tools.

I got points for being the tool holder. I was quickly deposited half a mile away to be the valve opener....say what?? "Oh yes, just scurry under the hot fence to the valve and wait for my shouts to turn it on and off." Romance no! 

So I assumed the soldier crawl and scurried under the fence large side up, but low enough to not get shocked. Low enough to get a nice dirt cover. So much for prettied up. And assumed my position in the mud by the randomly furious squirting valve opener. Waiting for my Romeo to shout on or off!

Notice one wire missing, so kind no service left undone here.

I heard the call and turned the water off. Thank goodness for glasses that always protect my eyes from random farm things. I was wet nonetheless, but did not fall in the mud! Greg removed the sprinkler from the pipe yelled on, and I turned the water back on. A high geyser shot the offending mouse out of the pipe (glad I was far far away flying rodents are nightmare stuff) and hollered off. Again the water all over. He replaced the sprinkler yelled on and all was right. I decided I would be ready for the quick farmer and scurried under the fence in the dust in my wet clothes being oh so careful not to electrocute my wet self on the ominous high wire. Ahh beautiful.

I was literally rounded up in my husbands arms back on the 4 wheeler, holding tools, while we whisked back to the shop to watch the stars come out. Besides the brisk breeze and 60 degree temperature while being pretty wet it was a beautiful gesture. I'm pretty sure beauty on the farm is almost equal to skills posed and willingness to be the much needed second set of hands. Seriously it was nice to be together. When asked if he realized the downside of valve opener he innocently or wisely ignorantly said no what? You get wet, very wet! Oh well better than flying rodents at my feet.
Life is good!

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