Thursday, July 25, 2019

7.25.19 Little snaps

The little people have not been without fun this summer either. Recently we are enjoying a visit from cousins from Mid Eastern Idaho. Sweet Claire and Kate are Sheryl's daughters who are roughly two months younger than Bruce and Lia. Claire was not thrilled to share the shotgun toy with Bruce. 

Uncle MAtt is good to play with the kids and take them on rides. The girls are helping him practice his stunt moves he perfected in college.

After church on Sunday Greg went to do some service and forgot to leave us the keys. So we sat in the shade while HArold went to find some keys. It was nice to just enjoy being outside with my kids, not paying attention to grass stains and bugs.

We were recently blessed to acquire some church clothes from a dear friend who doesn't need them anymore. John was looking sharp in his new duds! He's growing into a fine looking young man.

Sweetness and concerned brother were not to be seen with the family and were off on the other lawn enjoying their spoils of candy from primary. Oh to get my kids united again.
Sundays are good, not sure if we delight in them yet but they are a blessed rest from the work week. A visiting friend commented a few weeks ago he wasn't a church going man but that day of rest might make him religious. Amen it is a blessed nod from a knowing God we need a break if even only for an hour. Life is good, God is real and in the details.

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