Friday, July 5, 2019

7.5.19 Summer Days

I went to town this week and saw kids riding bicycles, playing in the water, and eating ice cream. For a while I pondered if my kids were being deprived of a good childhood? They walk with confidence or atleast the pose like they are confident, though. That is a power crew there! They are returning from the garden. Interesting that their trek clothes, for the boys, are very much the uniform of the day on the farm.  

Even the littles go to the garden sometimes. They are unaware of what is an important plant and what is bad so they do other things like build with dirt clods from the pivot track. Afton said it was a castle her cousin Eloise corrected it is a temple!

Continuous effort and they got a large temple/pile of clods.

The pigs continue to grow and it was time for another round of de-worming. The days are so long here!

Missing from these pictures is the sound. The sound of pigs squealing and mostly Livy crying totally melting down. She was standing by a gate. After the pigs were through with their shots they got out of the enclosure. She thoughts she was responsible for keeping the pigs in. She was terribly distraught! I moved over to her and peeled her terrified hands from the gate and tried to comfort her a bit while explaining the situation. I agree though I don't like being the gate person for rowdy animals, sometimes I feel like crying too with that job. She was done emotionally and headed for home.

The pigs were rewarded with marshmallows. We go through a lot of those in the summertime here. Between pigs and kids sneaking them they disappear quickly. MY least favorite chore is cleaning them off of dishes when the kids have heated them in the microwave into goo.

Oh what do you do in the summertime? We work and we play, we run around in the car and we eat marshmallows, if it was warmer we would swim we've been a few times but it's just cool this year. The kids have been riding bikes too. At night they still have energy to race up and down the driveway. Everyone down Millie knows how to ride bikes. Not a deprived childhood. An old time childhood probably, one that is full of love, responsibility, and nature. Life is good.

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