Monday, July 15, 2019

7.16.19 Snow White

We had the opportunity to attend a play with my grandmother these cute kids great grandmother. She has been taking me to plays since I was little like them. Thanks to her I have seen plays, ballets, and musicals of all skill levels and variety. The kids had a great time enjoying the children's theater performance of snow white. 

A few shots before the show. Livy being silly for the camera with her near cousin James.

The 4 year olds being taught by Cousin Cambree who is always entertaining, Little Becca looks on.

And of course because it is hot the girls were attracted to the fountain after the performance. No children got wet although a few toes may have been dipped.

We are blessed to be a multi-generational family. I'm thankful for this tradition to be passing on to my kids with grandma still in tow. Another fun memory from a summer full of activity.

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