Tuesday, July 9, 2019

7.9.19 Fourth of July

The fourth of July was fast, full and fun. We love our family and we love the traditions that connect us with them. This fourth they climbed the silo, Addie ran a 3K, Anna and Aliza helped organize the race, The boys helped put up flags around town then helped Greg cook pancakes for about 200 people all before 9 am. Then we cleaned up the breakfast, gathered our stuff at home packed the lunch and headed to the lake. WE enjoyed the cool sunshine and water and visiting. We ate lots of chips and cookies and grandma Corn's deluxe fourth of July sandwiches. YUM!

Harold catching air! Photos thanks to Uncle Justin.

Harold and MEgan.

Addie the endurance rider. She went ALL the way around the lake maybe a couple times!

Anna trying for a 360...

And crashing. But you gotta try! to succeed.

Harold surfing he is so strong.

The best place for the little kids on the safe grass having adventures.

ALiza having none of the water she was happy far away in a book.

Greg was a tired dad and enjoyed some time to rest his weary bones.

When we got home the kids eagerly took that suggestion to heart and rested for more fun that evening. 

We were treated to a smoked brisket thanks to Uncle KEvin. When my mother in-law said excitedly she was preparing heart for dinner I offered the brisket option. Heart is not a mouth watering selection to my mind....we really enjoyed the brisket.

After swallowing my dinner like a snake we rushed to town to take down the American flags that decorate the streets each holiday. These strong guys of mine walked the 4 miles of town running back and forth across the street to load the flags in the pickup. Kids have so much energy.

My copilot.

And a picture of some of the random small sunburns the kids got that day. There were minor sun irritations as they are learning to be more careful and the day was just not that hot.
The kids look forward to the fourth and boating all year long. It was great!
The big kids worked the rodeo that night taking tickets and selling programs. They had to enforce a lock down when a child was lost. Aliza had to stand between smokers and their opportunity to smoke. It was not pleasant. She is tough and imposing though and held her ground. The child was found and all was well. The kids learned a lot about why we don't drink and smoke. They learned a lot about people and gained more confidence because they did another hard thing. Love these kids and the experiences they are gaining. Life is good and America is the land that I love.

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