Wednesday, July 10, 2019

7.10.19 Happy Baby

Oh the delight this little one has brought to our home. She is fearless and funny. She makes her sibling smile and is a bit of the sunshine in our home. She loves and is often found on the shoulders of her older brothers. 

 These guys are so kind to interact with the younger ones so willingly. We love our little kids and they are being taught to be fun older kids. They sometimes chicken fight, they see the world and they drive with their hands pulling ears. This is the stuff of summer happiness.

The kids also love a little more access to dad. Afton spent some time helping Greg at the shop one day. Safety First is our motto!

July has brought our homeschool plan to just reading everyday. One day we found a delightful story about a redheaded girl who wears dresses and loves horses and picking flowers! Just like the reader!! She is a sweet girl and is making good progress.
So our summer rolls on from one appointment or responsibility to the next. The kids are growing and I'm still standing. I repeat in my mind I am firm in my resolve I am firm in my resolve! I need this because I am the outnumbered adult and the strong personalities that are necessary for the last days are not easily coaxed into actitivies they don't desire. Yet, my vision is broader than their's and so I persist in making school, work, skill building happen. I will not be moved in my determination although sometimes I have to take a time out and read a book, or take a nap, or something. Life is good and yes my hands are full but so is my heart.

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