Saturday, July 6, 2019

7.6.19 Take your family to the temple

A few weeks ago the ward mission leader announced he was planning a take your family to the temple day. I balked, that's a lot of work. No one asked me if that worked in my schedule. I'm a good complainer. Greg took us a few days before because that's what fit in his schedule. I was thankful to go with him. However, I know what it feels like to work on a project, one that you feel very inspired to do and have few people show up. It's discouraging to lead when no one follows. So we changed plans and adjusted the schedule and went to the temple. The kids had a great time. They got to walk in the temple, that is exciting! They were reverent and welcomed by caring leaders from the other ward in our town. 

The dressage course below was beautifully fascinating. Definitely something different than the ranch horse work we are minorly familiar with.

Walking into the font to the arms of this big guys was overwhelmingly sweet. Again my mama heart was so touched at the significance of my son baptizing me offering that to deceased ancestors with names my grandmother had found. The circle of life! He is strong and large in stature like Nephi and my dad. It was special being directed by my daughter who is very comfortable in the temple. I loved following her too.

The kids watched a movie in the waiting room, they are working on their bingo sheets and enjoying the pretty temple grounds.

Baby grouchy even did well with Addie. She was happy to see me of course but only had to be independent for an hour or so. 

They colored.

They were patient. Oh that these kids will have the spirit of the temple and of Elijah written on their hearts.

We left with pictures of the temple and of Jesus to hang in our rooms and remember the experience. Also a box or two of cookies. It was a great experience, and I'm thankful to have taken the time and energy to take more of my family to the temple. I know the temple helps keep our family happy and is the place we are united together to be together forever. We are blessed.

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