Thursday, July 11, 2019

7.11.19 4-H learning

I threaten to end the 4-H activities then we go through spurts of sheer awesomeness and I think this is such a good plan! We have recently been full of 4-H activity. One morning was a showmanship clinic. There were horses, sheep, chickens and ducks, steers, and dairy cows. Only one guess which animal was the favorite. 

Addie is a natural animal person. She is our secret to the record book ordeal that was going on. I'm on a group chat and I watched the texts of panic come across wondering how to tackle the 50 page beast that is the 4-H record book. She watched the teaching videos and carefully constructed her book. Then she patiently walked her brothers through the process.

Part of 4-H is feeding the animals. So we've had a few nights gathering corn and wheat to feed to the piggies.

As usual it's a family affair. Bruce loves to help in his small way. 
The day of interviews we were prepared! We went to the local event center and anticipated good results. Almost 2 hours of interviewing, waiting, correcting, and waiting later the little kids were having a ball with the big space. 

They ran and chased and tagged to their hearts content. The staff were very patient with all the energy in their building.
Although it was an unexpected delay to have hang out for that long it was also so great to just visit. I love being validated by other moms who's kids are acting very similar to mine. I appreciate the time to listen, learn, and lift other moms who are in the trenches. I love love love meeting new people and took the opportunity to meet a mom I had prayed for during a heartbreaking time in her life. Not only is 4-H teaching my kids a lot of skills and knowledge, but it is giving me a chance to meet others and socialize with great people I would know no other way.
Life is good, we are blessed to live with people of so many different faiths and life experiences. One upside to studying the new testament is most of the people in our community are believers in the bible, hence it is easy to share bible understanding with them. As I learn not only do I teach my children but I find that learning to be applicable to conversations with others. I use to think missionary work was detestable, however as we roll through life I'm finding peace in sharing and hearing other's hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ. A primary insight I have gained being a 4-H mom is there are so many good families who are similarly working toward raising good kids. It's been very encouraging for my kids to see their peers also work and to share social outings with them. I'm thankful for this time of life.
Wise counsel from Elder Uctdorf from April general conference 2019
"Fourth, share what is in your heart. I am not asking that you stand on a street corner with a megaphone and shout out Book of Mormon verses. What I am asking is that you always look for opportunities to bring up your faith in natural and normal ways with people—both in person as well as online. I am asking that you “stand as witnesses”12 of the power of the gospel at all times—and when necessary, use words.13"

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