Tuesday, December 10, 2019

12.10.19 Christmas decorating

Through the cabin fever weekend, we worked hard to use some of the kids' energy. They spent a few hours picking up rocks to fill in some muddy spots in our driveway. The reward was getting the Christmas tree. 

Harold came home to do homework and Lia was delighted!

 She gives the best hugs holding on tight and patting your shoulder back as she enjoys being held.

This crew got to rearrange the room, put up some of the decorations and test the lights. They should have been doing other things, but for a few minutes, they got to dream of the rest and fun of Christmas. As one child lamented my lack of agreement with their desire to fancy up the house I was thinking our house is already full of people, dreams, and energy We add some simple totally kid-proof and mostly kid-made decorations and that is our celebration direction. Again I need to be thankful for all the imagination that adds the rest. I'm very blessed to have so many that love me and I get to love. That was the overriding lesson of the weekend.

Every night we have been doing a Christmas devotional. Bruce gets to show the picture he is adorable and serious about showing everyone the image for the day. We sing and we read scripture passage from the bible and discuss what was happening. This is our winding down to the day, I love being gathered together with most of my family. Sometimes it is profound and touching, and sometimes it is just accomplished. Yet it is an anchor to our day. A counted on time of gathering and loving each other. I'm thankful for these minutes we spend studying, learning, and being close together. I feel the days ticking away for big changes here and yet this routine fills my heart with peace and joy.

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