Tuesday, December 3, 2019

12.3.19 The last Sub Scout Pack Meeting

Ahh, the monthly pack meetings have been an exciting part of raising boys. We have learned flag etiquette, been entertained at the many different carnivals and skits the boys put on and shared time together with family and friends supporting our boys as they learned and grew into confident young men.  I almost cried this night as I reflected briefly on all the lessons and friendships we had made through this program. 

This night Reed was the flag ceremony caller. He earned his bear award and he carried the flag out. I whispered to the mom next to me how will my younger kids ever learn how to act around the flag when do we ever raise to salute and say the pledge of allegiance en masse any more? That is sad.

 The boys ended the evening with an age-appropriate relay race. They had fun, as they always do, it's healthy competition. Not being inclined to involve our younger children in sports at a young age we will miss these opportunities. I'm not against the changes, I'm in total support of the new programs and most of all following the leadership of the prophet I'm just recording that we gained a lot from the scouting program.

Another era ended and a new one ready to begin. I'm anxious to see how the next chapter unfolds. I always hate the waiting and like to get to the doing. We learned a lot in scouts and I'm sure with intention and focus we will learn and grow even more in the new program. And now to prepare and celebrate the Christmas Season.

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