Monday, December 9, 2019

12.9.19 Simple pleasures

Every year we make hundreds of cookies and brownies and take them to our friends and neighbors. We have tried several times to get this project going but to date, we have not got out the door with anything yet. One night Livy asked if we could share some hot chocolate. I told her no you are too young you just need to go to bed. Yet a few minutes later I relented and we had a hot chocolate tasting party. 

 One of the devotionals said we need to slow down and watch the light in our children's eyes as they experience the excitement and joy of Christmas. This weekend as I battled my older kids and my old self, I was wanting life to be smooth and like it used to be, there were fun moments like this that are easy to forget. I love these kiddos. Often the younger ones are bouncing off the walls and furniture literally. The shouts of be quiet, stop fighting, I'm going to lock you outside... are often the norm. Yet, they are sweet and easy to please. Their Christmas lists were sweet and inexpensive. They are happy to snuggle and read, to sip hot chocolate, to color with markers more pictures of their visions of Christmas for the fridge. They are sweet reminders of life free of worry, stress, and complication.
This lady adds all that to trying to get work done. She insists on being with me. Helping me type, load the washer, cook, etc. She is a darling girl yet not quite big enough to do all she thinks she should.

Just when I think my head will explode with all that is suppose to be happening I get called back to need and we push on legs tied up in hugs from her or pretty pictures being handed over for recognition. Life is good!

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