Monday, December 30, 2019

12.30.19 Addie's December

Addie is at the magical age of almost full teenager. She is poised, sassy, organized, committed, and conscientious. She notices people's feelings and sometimes walks all over them. She is able to do hard things because she is not afraid to work hard. She likes doing well and enjoys responsibility. 
This year she was able to be a narrator for the school play. She did very well looking gorgeous at the microphone and speaking so clearly and confidently we were a bit surprised. She loves her teachers and took the initiative to get pictures with many of them after her performance. 

A real deal Santa Claus was also in attendance that evening. He was so kind to the children. This is Livy after placing her order with him I think it was for a Barbie. She forgot her headband but those bangs are almost long enough to not be annoying.

Reed and his new teacher Mrs. Peasley. She is a bubbly hard working lady. He has adapted to her teaching style and found he can be very successful in her classroom as well. He had the part of moving the physically challenged girl around the stage. He did well didn't dump her off on the floor and helped her be a part of the action without adult intervention. He has a kind heart and lots of muscles so this was a perfect fit for him. He is becoming a great young man.

Afton was overjoyed to get to visit with Santa. She is a silly observative girl with big plans and lots of spunk to get her where she wants to be.

I was surprised Bruce wanted a turn but he was insistent that he speak with Santa. He ordered a dinosaur.

Addie also had her first piano recital. She did amazingly well especially considering she had been playing for 2 months. She, however, has dutifully practiced every day and is open to help from grandma. I don't hear her as she prefers grandma's grand piano and the silence of her home.

Addie with her dear teacher Laurie Nelson.

And Addie helping me drop off gifts/supplies to the local women's shelter. Addie is a do-gooder. She helped cut and tie the blankets and endured shopping for the other supplies with me. The item they were most excited about the toilet paper. Non-profit groups always appreciate basic necessities. They were gracious about the pajamas and gifts but the stack of toilet paper made their eyes light up! It's comforting to have a way to give hence the reason we participate in Modern Woodmen of America.

Addie is becoming a lovely young lady. Challenging at times and yet is fast becoming my indespensible right hand too. She keeps me organized and all my tech stuff functioning. I love the many talents I am blessed with in my home.

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