Tuesday, December 3, 2019

12.3.19 Snow day

Today is so quiet at my house with everyone back in school. We had such a nice surprise to end the break a snow day, no school! We still had two families of cousins here the ones with mostly boys and so the day was spent making snow forts, snowballs to crush with karate kicks and chops, and snowmen. The snow was perfect just wet enough to pack and just cold enough to stay. I have sweet memories from my childhood of forts and snowball fights. It was pleasing to watch my kids make some of those memories for their own life story. And of course boy cousins don't mind being wet and cold and rarely cry you threw too many snowballs. They are game to make the fort bigger. The girls played sporadically and had a good time too, but mostly opted for in the house. Bruce is not one to join the girls he had fun playing with the older boys. 

Millie in fort number one.

Mark even got to join th eboys in creating fort number two. There was plenty of snow for large snow balls for the forts and yet the ground was still mostly covered.

A major architect of fort number one.

Karate kicking an extra snowball.

Adding to for number two.

Bruce in the pink snow pants learning how to construct a snow fort.

Life is good. We had a great break. The silence is kinda sad here, of course my three littles are here asking questions wanting me to play with them but its just a different kind of quiet. Until next time.

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