Wednesday, December 4, 2019

12.4.19 Lessons Learned

The older kids have been gone a lot this fall, in fact they are rarely home. I am working on teaching the younger kids to be responsible and capable. This Friday I had time to work with them on learning some new skills. Thus we washed walls. They were so happy to do that task. Honestly, we don't do a lot of wall washing here. I wash sometimes when I talk on the phone, but mostly we don't get to them. Then a friend came and reminisced about washing walls as a kid at a friends house and I thought oh no my kids don't know that skill, I must find a way to get that done. Thus this day they washed a lot of walls, happily!

This was after this young lady cleaned her entire room even under the beds by herself. She was excited to send a picture to her traveling sister of her accomplishment. She did a great job.

She ended her room cleaning with washing some of her drawings off her dresser.

Addie is developing her cooking skills. She made these lemon blueberry bundt cakes to trade with classmates at school. She came home with a large boxful of cobbler, candy, and brownies. She definitely traded up. Her teacher congratulated her on her skillful trading ability.

Addie has the responsibility of cooking dinner while I am out watering cows. She has fed us well. I liked cooking alone when I was her age. It's a necessary skill and fundamental part of human life to cook and eat. Responsibility is what gives traction and purpose to life. I love seeing the kids pride as they achieve some new task or project and I have to keep in mind that I just need to give the direction and get out of the way. I am blessed with so many able bodies. Life is good.

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