Tuesday, December 17, 2019

12.17.19 Decorating the Tree

This ear thanks to a smaller tree and bigger kids I just sat back and watched while they completed the decorating ritural. They were all so excited and able. 

Very muddy boots and all the tree came in and was placed in the bucket full of rocks in our attempt to keep it from falling over with all the hands that will be touching and decorating it time and again in the next few weeks. 

Then the rechecking of the lights and getting them untangled. Trying to explain to the kids how to light a tree is tricky so I did assist a bit on this part.

A time and focus activity is stringing popcorn. Thus we continue this tradition. I like how it looks but at this point one week later the popcorn is mostly eaten by hungry people as they find it a handy place for a snack. Silly kids.

Lots of opinions on where and how to place the lights. Thus I watched and settled disagreements. The norm for mom referee.

We ended up with decorations on the tree and kids smiling at the completed process. A week later it has been redone probably a hundred times. I just don't have time or care to stop them it's their tree and their Christmas.
Sometimes we get to go look at beautiful trees and decorations in other homes. There we work to keep little hands-off. But here at home they can practice and pretend.

One home had this elaborate village set up it was amazing complete with a running train. Another house had a larger train that the kids got to lay on the  floor and watch go around and around as the proud owner drove it. I love how older men can have the toys they hoped for as children. It is a pleasure to share their joy and vision of a delightful Christmas dream. Christmas is so many things, sites and sounds, songs and silliness, visiting and wrapping. I love the opportunity and look forward to a nap on Christmas day one of total exhaustaion and relief at being done. Life is good and beauty is everywhere if we take the time to see it. 

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