Monday, December 16, 2019

12.16.19 Persepctive

Aliza was lamenting about how her hair always has these curl/wave pieces on the sides and how Anna was lucky hers goes more straight. Livy piped up "I think it's beautiful it looks like birds when they get ready to fly. " So we laughed and commented on how gorgeous Aliza's flock of birds hair is and how lucky she is to have such a generous poetic sister. 

Life is kinda like that. It's all about how we look at things. Admittedly it's pretty hard to pull ourselves out of a rut or the drumbeat of thoughts we are struggling with but a kind word or note from a friend and boom life looks totally different. I was frustrated with our eternal colds and snotty noses here until I got a text asking about chickenpox and was instantly grateful not to be dealing with that, or the friend who shared she is battling lice at her house. Again thankful to just be wiping noses and slicing oranges.
As Addie and I go-rounds about how ugly our Christmas tree is I'm thankful to have her creative eye, the little kids excitement that prohibits more elaborate decoration and that we have a tree this year. Life is great, we have little troubles, but overall we just enjoy day to day life. Christmas is a good time of year for pondering and loving and I'm blessed to be loved and wanted by MANY in my home.
This past weekend we celebrated the 19th year of our Family. Greg and I's anniversary. 20 years since meeting and 19 since marrying. On some days it feels like a LONG LONG time and others not nearly Long enough. We have been abundantly blessed with enough, and a houseful of energy. This has been a comforting journey. The surety of a completely loyal and totally committed spouse is amazingly secure. The deep joy of having someone to rely on and who is an unconditional friend has been the greatest balm to my worried soul over the years. It's hard to comprehend love it is so much more than just a feeling. IT is gut-wrenching prayers, heart brakes that mend, the best and worst moments of life endured. Most of all I'm sure I am married to my perfect match and for that I am grateful. I am blessed. It is a grateful season of the year.

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