Monday, December 30, 2019

12.30.19 Christmas at home

The kids can open their stockings when they get up. I heard rustling in the early dark hours of Christmas day. I was surprised to find Addie dumping the contents of her stocking to investigate. I thought for sure it was around 3 a.m. she claims it was 5:55 a.m. Still way to early. I turned off the light and told her to get back to bed. From then on about every hour new kids came to check it out. I got up later and began the ordeal of making turnovers. Reed cooked the bacon and sausages, bacon is new this year as per his request. He hates sausage. The other boys got to work with Greg outside, Reed chose his duty well that day. 
A mere two hours later we had four pans of turnovers ready along with deviled eggs and bacon and sausage. Yum. We ate and then moved into our front room for the Christmas story a short talk from dad and then presents. 

After presents, we play, put away, and relax. Well, usually this year the boys went to do water and ended up changing oil and fixing some other problems. We ended the day at grandma's house where we got to start playing with cousins. These two ladies aren't much for playing together but they do like to do the same things. Lia and Darci are about 8 months apart.

There were some shoulder rides this is Kaden who is almost 8 carrying Millie.

Uncle Matt with the two 3-year-olds both happy in their batman shirts. They were so excited to see the other also had a cool shirt on. These two had a great time.

Christmas was good. Peaceful, busy, complete, and comforting. The traditions stay similar from year to year and that is good. It's fun to watch the kids grow from little babies to bigger and more into the magic of the Christmas stories and able to sing the songs. Bruce likes Jingle Bells and Rudolf this year. Livy likes Deck the Halls. We are blessed each year.

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