Sunday, December 29, 2019

12.29.19 Full days of December

The days of December flew by. Many days I made treats only to put them in the freezer or feed them to my family instead of taking them places because we ran out of time or energy or both. Lia loves cinnamon rolls and all the kids enjoyed getting to eat what we usually strictly give away. 

Bruce getting all dressed up to go outside. He insisted on a picture he thought he looked pretty snazzy.

Harold had his football banquet. We both were hoping to eat alas not a drop of food or drink was served but his coaches said some nice things and he earned his first-year varsity letter. I challenged him to earn his academic and club letter as well. He was pretty happy with the first accomplishment. He's gone through some sad days of missing football and the camaraderie it was a great experience for him.

The younger kids enjoyed playing with pig whips for several days they were having a good time entertaining themselves while I worked on Christmas and financial stuff and the myriad of other jobs that are mine each day.

Showing off some new teddy bears from a kind neighbor.

A very rare day when they took a nap, which mostly requires mom sitting still long enough and holding them tight enough and voila there they are all cuddled up snug as bugs on mom.

I was out doing water with my oldest son who looked just like his younger brother although much larger sprawled ontop of the tank daydreaming and waiting for it to fill.

We enjoyed a very casual ward party. The kids were delighted with their bags of candy from Santa.

And the annual wrapping of presents. The kids do all of this. I have showed them youtube videos of how to wrap a present and have given some instruction as well then I stand back and let them go. They really enjoy this task. I do not. The boxes of cold cereal for the family gift exchange is a great practice session for them.

Although our Christmas season was much different this year slower and much less involved I feel like we did more of the most important things and that was ok. Each year is a little different. I wasn't as mad at the kids this year. I let them do more I did what I could when I could and that was all I had. They seemed ok and honestly I enjoyed it more. I have lots of time to think while I'm outside and I had some great insights this December. So quite possibly less is more and trying to do more is much less.

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