Monday, December 2, 2019

12.2.19 The rest of the weekend

Forgive the many food pictures it's no minor feat to feed this many people in a timely and filling manner but it happens time and again when everyone is together. It's also one of the few times that everyone is in one location or mostly there. Yes, we eat in shifts the table is filled several times but the food just keeps coming. 

The moms working to keep the trays stocked and visiting along the way.

Lots of playing and visiting happens in this room. Truly there are few movies viewed by the little ones they just keep dreaming up new scenarios to act out.

Sometimes some brave soul will get them all dressed and shod and sent outside for some fresh air and peace and quiet in the house. Natalie was the hero this day finding the correct coats and pairs of shoes for a crowd of over twenty. She's patient, determined, and willing.

The post or pre-dressing hall. A tidy little niece came and put order to this stack a little while later. I think it's pretty organized all ages and numbers considered. 

The weather turned to winter this week with snow a few times.

Grandma broke out some fun cereal and all were happy to have some of the good stuff for breakfast. I love that she found small bowls for them thus allowing more realistic portions and the opportunity to sample different kinds of cereal.

On the other side of the kitchen, the visiting moms and Anna cooking some french toast.

Then the big snow came and Harold became a 4th generation snow mover. My grandfather, dad, and brothers have always spent many hours when there is significant snow shoveling for neighbors, friends, and those who need help. I am pleased he is willing to help others and is not too fussy about the lack of a cab and heat. The hardest part of being a mom is expecting your boys to be men. To do hard uncomfortable things when I would incline to sheltering them. But my goal is that they are not afraid or uncertain if life and its multitude of challenges are too hard for them. It is not! And they, like so many generations before, will survive challenges of heat, cold, and other not-ideal situations. Thus, they get sent out to help, to care about others, and mostly to learn more about themselves. They can do hard things, they can be tough, and they are stronger for it. I'm raising men so I turn off little kid mom and say go to it!

Another activity we pursued this break was quilting. The older girls love to watch hallmark movies. The secret to that privilege is busy hands, thus quilting comes into play. Many hands can be involved it's necessary and takes a while to get done. Savanah is preparing a batting. My girls Aliza, Addie, Alivia, Amelia, and myself ended up tying this one while we watched some movies at night. It was so enjoyable and the girls found the peace of needle work!

The older girls worked on binding a quilt up at Grandma's to earn the right to two Hallmark movies another day.

One afternoon I went to do water with Reed and my nephew. I mostly just moved the truck and they did all the lifting hauling and watering of the cows. I was very pleased with their teamwork and gumption. Again telling them to try harder, and use their muscles, that I was sure they could do whichever task they were assigned.

Another girl cousin got the task of mashing potatoes. We made a lot of potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner, almost 40 lbs! I had many different kids come in and peel 10 potatoes, then we cut and cooked them. We used the pioneer woman's recipe, they were delicious and done for the next day. It was a relief not to have that job on Thanksgiving day because it took hours to get enough prepared.

We live a very physical life here on the farm. There are a lot of opportunities for activity. We tried to share old and new activities with the many cousins who were old enough. Many hands make light work and busy kids are better behaved than bored ones. Life is good, we had a great week making memories and building friendships.

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