Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3.31.20 Just being kids

Everyday I strive to get out and be outside from 5-6 p.m. It's just a time that seems to fit. The girls were happy to join me in a small walk. They had a great time pretending to be geese laying eggs in nests. The fresh dirt of course was easy to dig and fun to nest in. Dirt seems to be good therapy and entertainment for each day we get to be together. I love watching their imaginations work. 

Little miss was not to be left out. She is very hard to get back in the house no matter how long we let her be outside. Thank goodness some big sisters show up eventually and carry her back indoors.

One night Millie shot this picture wanting to be like Addie who almost nightly takes a sunset picture. While the colors are different it was a beautiful contrast nonetheless. Another blogger suggested that these dark blues and blacks are more like where we are at today versus our usual preferred pinks, purples, oranges that we enjoy in sunsets. Truthfully this was just after that display.

Life is like that constantly shifting and changing. Last week was rough for me. Finding out this baby is breech was very scary. Hearing daily of the new restrictions and changes to life. Hearing of customers and friends loosing their jobs, continued shortages for family members and the stress of keeping life going got VERY heavy for several days. Life wasn't just blue and black it was mostly pitch black for too many hours. But with each sunset the sun rises again and we move on. I have  a new mantra that I am repeating often. I can do this, God is with me, Jesus will help me. As I slow down dig in and work to relax and cling to those practices that have brought me peace in the past life goes on.

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