Thursday, June 18, 2020

6.18.20 Training up the next set

I think I have pretty great older kids. I'm happy with how they are turning out anyway, but i can't get too comfortable or prideful in their abilities lest this younger crew just grow up wild. So I've been daily reminding myself to teach and train them. This is no easy task and takes a lot of deep breathing to stop the frustration and sometimes they just get in trouble because they need to be taught there are consequences for not listening and obeying the rules.
But for the most part they are pretty good too. Aunt Brenda made this hat for Bruce. It is so cute on him and fits perfectly. 

These girls worked hard getting the yard cleaned up from the big windstorms. There were so many branches on the lawn and it was a lot of work. They are of course showing how strong they are. I work with each differently. Millie is pretty consistent staying with the job. Livy is easily distracted but works well with instruction and working right along with her, which is good for me to stay engaged as well. Truth be told I'm probably the most distracted worker here. From watching kids and thinking about the farm, politics, school, health etc I get started and find the next big thing and rarely complete projects, well except dinner I almost always complete what I cook.

They are learning to work in many areas this year. This is a small part of their garden effort with Reed and Grandma leading the way. Hard to imagine the tomatoes to the top of the poles but it happens every year.

The magnificent roses. Rain has made all the plants just perfect. Then the next wind rain storm comes and they are decimated, But they are gorgeous for a few days.

My best baby holder, so she says. And truly she has a knack for calming Merle. She bounces him gently and walks with him. Some people are just able to calm babies. Bruce of course is begging for his turn.

A picture of Merle just happy to be safe and held. He's a happy guy when he is held, he's not so pleasant when he is set down. I realized a few days ago I really hate hearing my babies cry so I mostly hold them or have one of hte kids hold them. It limits our productivity but oh I hate hearing them sad.

Unfortunately, Lia has turned into my nemesis. If I have Merle resting happily somewhere she inevitably finds him and pinches, bites, or pulls him. here she is seconds away from stomping  him with the cow. She's pretty intense. Sometimes she will rest on one side of my lap with him nursing on the other and they will both go to sleep. But usually I'm keeping her off him and calling for a big sister to come love her individually. 

Another round of sibling dynamics brewing here. Someday I will look back and understand better who these young kiddos are and will laugh at the continuation of their relationships. It is tricky to manage the various ages here and to even contemplate all that should be happening let alone what has to happen each day. I'm very grateful for the older siblings that are here and fill in very specific gaps. Life is good.

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