Thursday, June 4, 2020

6.4.20 Addies birthday

Addie is thorough, thoughtful, and specific. I was delighted to find her wishes ready and waiting the night before her birthday. Anna is our breakfast cook most days and Addie had made it easy for her wishes to be met. 

Sausage and eggs even the utensils are ready and waiting.

Crepes with strawberries and cream and chocolate sauce. Addie made the batter before bed it was resting and curing in the fridge.
Along with a brisket that was set to marinate. She cooked it in the Traeger the next day and it was perfectly delicious!

Her cake was Texas Sheet cake made by Aliza. This is my few shots of her with candles. The big twelve years old. She is fabulous and getting more impressive with each passing year.

Her next project was making masks for the entire family so we coudl attend graduation. Our town/county/state are serious about the COVID-19 scare and masks are required for entry in all state funded buildings. We worked together completing these in various sizes.

My Addie who works to learn and make sense and know about the world around he. My super organized and in control kid who is on top of all happenings here. She loves to know and have life run smoothly. We love her.

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