Friday, June 19, 2020

Pearl Harbor 2020

Unfortunately history is a weak subject for most students in America. They do not remember or know what life was like during the wars. I remember my grandmother talking about ruining her older sisters nylons. This was a major offense as they were hard to come by. I have read about the war years. It just dawned on me tonight as I was explaining the stress of trying to restock my depleted but never enough food storage, and trying to get lasting necessary items like educational curriculum, and a piano in my home for teaching and training these kids that we had our Pearl Harbor in March. 

We did not realize that it had happened it wasn't as fantastically pointed and picturesque as bombing almost the entire American navy. The pictures were mostly people a world away in Italy and China. The Ocean was separating us from their reality. Thankfully we were able to go on in our agricultural life. We agreed with the idea of keeping our neighbors and grand parents safe. So we followed the law and stayed home. 

Yet as time has drug on the headlines and experts have retracted and changed the list of have-to-do to stay safe and shifted into blatant hypocrisy. I am realizing life is fundamentally going to be different for the foreseeable future. I'm not sure how we move on from this. I'm not sure it can be peacefully solved. It makes me sad, crazy, angry, and depressed to have to keep trying to explain to my children the answers are not what we hoped, this is not going away, and whether we believe it or not we will abide by the law. But that doesn't mean we won't have to make changes. 

These pictures were illegal when taken and are still a bit rogue. Kids over the age of 12 gathered in a group over ten in number are just ripe for endangering whole communities. Or so they say. These activities of seeing the smile or frown on the face of another human are so insensitive, we must wear masks. And hide and stay apart. The very essence of humanity is not safe anymore. The best maybe most important part of growing up is disappearing. No travel, no trips everything virtual at a distance. Or at least in law or decree. But the random gathering of kids in one shared experience namely school will greatly alter their lives. Maybe for the better as I see time and and again how kids and teens are exploited as voices for the future by adults just using them for photo op's and youthful energy. My kids are sad. They are having a hard time understanding why life has changed. Because there ins't a one event to rally around it's hard to imagine what is happening is for real until we go places and see yes people are really all masked up and enforcing social distance, and the school is off limits for everyone. This is the enforcing of the new way of life.

These were the very people that make school fun, awful, memorable, and educational. The teachers were put in their homes and forced to try a new style of teaching to an unresponsive audience and then the work they did was given a pass. Ridiculous and shameful to treat hard working heartfelt people in such a callous manner.

Yet as we wait... t/he dot dot dot is the catch. Always waiting on what the government will deem okay, proper, and important. No decisions we make are okay or truly in our power anymore. Thus, I work to fortify my home to build my defenses and have my life more as I choose. There were many sacrifices during the war years. No new vehicles or nylons. Little sugar or fats. Darkened windows on homes, mothers and women had to work to make the war supplies needed. Money was conscripted for war bonds. Our grocery stores are not restocking as we thought they would. Our freedom of movement and choice are still limited while the lawless do as they please and destroy what we worked hard for. I'm not raising my arm, but I am watching and aware life is different. And it will take all I have and lots of Heavenly help to pass through this battle victorious. It's gonna be a long siege. God be with me and also with you.

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