Tuesday, June 9, 2020

6.9.20 Growing and goals

In between all the hustle and bustle and working the constant words I hear are "can I hold Merle?" 95% of the time the answer is no! Especially if the question is posed by someone younger than 8 years old. But sometimes the younger kids get their hands on him. He is good and held appropriately for a few seconds then we switch back. Bruce is still delighted to have a brother. They look related I think. 

Mark took a rare turn too while we were doing scriptures one night. The human body is so amazing to go from Merle size to Mark size in a matter of years. Just awesome!

My guys they aren't all together very often but they sure impress me when they are. They are so very different and yet similar. Who knew I would be so blessed?

Another bagel run. John would make these everyday if I let him.

Reed decided to try roast on the Traeger. Easily one of our happy finds from quarantine how easy that machine is to use. We all love it. While the roast smelled divine it was rubbery and not that great we won't be doing that again.

My sleeping baby nemesis. Why must they touch sleeping children??? 

While we haven't done well writing plans for specific goals during this shut down we have accomplished many new desires learning to cook, reading more, learning some new problem solving skills. I've never been good at the writing down part of goals, unfortunately I haven't done well correcting that while teaching my chidlren either. Nevertheless, they are still growing and being challanged. Some are more willing than others to grow but life is good, we are well enough.

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