Sunday, June 21, 2020

6.21.20 A Big Scare

My super gardener showing off his harvest. Peas and little carrots. 

The first potatoes of the year. They were delicious!

Heaven in a bowl new potatoes and peas. The kids agreed this was a make again meal.

While we were getting ready to enjoy this feast we were talking about the Mark's new calf and Reed asked what new calf? I said Reed you know Mark's calf. He said what calf, his heifer had a calf? I said Reed stop joking you know there is a new calf. He shook his head seriously that he did not know. I asked him Reed where did these potatoes come from? He said I don't konw? I said Reed who grew these potatoes? He said I don't know.
Reed is not a joker. I told him to knock it off and be serious. He said I am I don't know. HE started to cry and I wondered what was going on.
After asking the kids they admitted he had seen the cow out and jumped off the four wheeler before it stopped. His toe got stuck and he rolled off hitting his head. Anna and I checked his eyes for dialation, his ears for blood and his scalp for a swollen spot. Nothing was wrong. We laid him on the couch with frozen blueberries under his head and waited for GRandma Saunders to come give a second opinion.
She quizzed him, he knew his name, his siblings, his mom, he didn't get his age right but he knew his birth date and figured out his birth year correctly with some mental math. She helped calm him down and suggested rest, more ice and watchign him closely for the next 24 hours.
HE got a blessing from his dad that he would heal and be fine.
After resting a while John started questioning him.
J- Do you remember how to drive the big van?
R- No
J- Do you remember you owe me $50?
R- NO!
J- Do you remember where your money is?
R- Yes!
Oh brothers! Reed smiled in that interchange and after sleeping for an hour, we woke him and he remembered a little more though we had to explain and answer if Mark's heifer had a calf atelast 10 times.
By the next morning he was back to normal. He did take a break for more ice on his head when it hurt. We were thankful all was well so quickly.

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