Saturday, June 20, 2020

6.20.20 Sunday

Sunday is the one day we keep track of here. We observe it by doing chores, having a nice breakfast mostly together, then dressing for church. We have church with Lloyd and Sue then return home for lunch, rest, and watching church videos. 

Addie isn't prone to enjoy close contact with anyone here. I had to take a picture to document this very rare moment. I often need proof with my kids. I don't lie to them but they don't believe what they don't want to know. I love Sunday naps!

Our trees were sprayed a week ago and the chickens had to be caged so they wouldn't get sick. Thus all week kids have been chasing chickens and throwing them back int he pen. They fly so the throwing doesn't hurt.They have to be thrown to clean the protective wire covering that keeps them safe from predators.

 Later in the day we head back outside to do the evening chores. We check on stock and crops and determine what needs to happen in the coming week. Reed is showing off one of his new chickens we got some fancy birds this time. I love the head feather on this one. I can relate my hair is usually out of control all over too.

A major excitement on the farm is finding new calves. This one has been anticipated for quite a while. This is one of Mark's Christmas calves. She finally had her first calf a nice bull, unfortunately she is not a good mother and butts it away from her and kicks it away from her bag. We were all pretty concerned and frustrated until we tried another way.

Finding the fence cold we called for the cavalry. They came in style. Many legs make light work. Literally, the fence can be repaired in the daylight versus two doing it alone it takes well into the dark of night to restore electric charge.

Everyone getting acquainted with the calf.

And if you are awrnry you get locked in a locking stantion. Thank goodness for these. My sister in law had the same problem but they are using a rope to restrain the mean mother cow. This is much better and safer for hands and legs and calves. This calf was so smart see the angle it can't get kicked. This calf is a big deal to Mark and Reed who is rapidly catching up to Mark in being able to identify and pair the cows. This will become an important detail in the next post.

Mark stood there watching and petting the cow trying to calm her. Reed ran interference keeping other cows from her and the calf. So morning and night Mark locks up the mother and brings the calf in to eat. This is so much preferable to milking her then giving the calf a bottle.

I came home to these beautiful flowers from a ward member. Aren't they vibrant. And cherries arrived from central Oregon. I hate the pits everywhere but we sure love the annual treat.

John being a goon on purpose. He always works to get a laugh.

And the final sweet surprise Addie had dinner ready and waiting. Pancakes, bacon and brownies. Afton was showing off her silver dollar pancakes. I love these sweet Sundays. It was so nice to be part of the action this day. Usually I'm at home with the baby but the weather was nice enough and he is bigger and can handle leaving home for a while. It's nice to see what the rest of the family is doing. 
We also blessed Merle this day and had a nice family lunch with our parents, grandma Lasley, and Alena & Bryce's family. I could not find the blessing outfit and got no pictures of Merle in the rush of putting everything else together. His blessing was sweet to hear and abundant in the spirit that was present. He is a strong special guy with a great life ahead. I'm humbled to be the mother and keeper of these children in my home. They are valiant and good with strong spirits and bodies. We are truly blessed.

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