Sunday, June 7, 2020

6.7.20 Sunday is a special day

My mother in-law brought home a huge collection of old Friends. She is generous in sharing them with us and we had the privilege of reading some of them today. I happened to have the one that introduced the song Saturday is a special day... it's our get the work done day. 
Sunday is a special day we spend most of it all together in the house resting from the labors of the week. There are forays to the farm, and maybe an adventure to visit family or a long time ago we use to visit friends, but mostly we are all together for one day. That's an interesting challenge and opportunity. As I write my two oldest sons are playing catch inside with a children's throwing set. It's fun to watch them and I guess I should stop it, but I like them inter-acting with each other. So many of the pictures I post are more about emotions or moments. Small pieces of time where the feeling love and harmony or sheer overwhelming parenthood is experienced. For instance the picture below my youngest kids showing their lack of shoes. Poor Bruce has left his shoes somewhere on the farm or his other pair is half covered in mud thus he is making do. No matter he is resourceful a flip flop and a girls bog. Both are shoes. I've been looking online for weeks and his size are sold out everywhere. 
 My banana guy. He eats 2-5 a day usually covered in peanut butter. He's so fun to talk with he has a zany command of life, history, sports, politics etc. I love his understanding of the world at large. He is gaining new skills as our lead tractor driver spending hour upon hour dam r' diking the corn rows.

We also found that john is in fact taller than Greg today. It's so strange to have your kids taller than you the parent. Mark, Addie, Reed, and Alivia are all on the chase all growing a lot right now.

He is also a yard sale fan. At our most recent outing he found the missionary game. The little girls had a rare opportunity to play with Harold. He enjoys his siblings and is a kind oldest brother. The kids had a great time gaining act of service and obedience that are part of the game. Again a moment of love at home.

 Not all about Sunday is great, there is plenty of strife and stepping on toes but all in all life is OK all together.

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