Monday, June 22, 2020

6.22.20 A house of learning

Every summer for 14 years now I have poured over home school curriculum. I have read and discussed various options with home school moms. I have taught my children during summer months and breaks from school. I have double taught them when they just weren't getting it at school. I strive to enrich their educational experience and make sure they are learning about the world around them and the morals Greg and I value and believe in. This is a full time job. Some months and years I'm better than others. Somethings have just became habits, thank goodness, some things we need to re-establish as habits. 
With the many changes to education as we knew it I am maybe more seriously than ever considering and working on a plan to home school. Some will be easy and some will take considerably more effort. This lady the blur is enthralled with an algebra book. She has done 7 lessons in 2 days. She is happier when her brain is challenged. 

I am trying out a new math curriculum with the younger set. So far they are really engaged and enjoying it.

And the youngest set was so enjoying some horse and tractor magazines. We always encourage discovery learning.

No matter what we decide I know my kids are learning. It is part of our lifestyle. Life is good and I am so thankful for so many books and creative people who make life interesting.

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