Tuesday, June 2, 2020

6.2.20 Cousin Fun Day

My sisters think fun! They are creative and energetic. 
This day was highly anticipated here, when it finally came the kids could hardly wait. I unfortunately was distracted with farm stuff but we eventually made it just in time for the sack races. Some kids were better at hopping than others. Bruce was not a fan but he walked his way through it. 

On to egg throwing. This was fun as many of the kids match up in age. The oldest James and Livy lasted the longest with the egg eventually covering Livy.

Then the tug of war. This team of cute girls against...

This team of determined boys and a few girls.

Then the water fight. Interesting to see who fought and who played elsewhere. Afton only wanted to water the flowers. Thank goodness for Addie who kept filling buckets for the kids to splash water on each other one cup full at a time. Addie is the best with younger kids. She notices what needs to be done, takes care of them, and smiles. I'm so thankful for older daughters who help fill the void while I take care of babies.

Livy and Natalie were happy to just soak in the water.

And the best for last watermelon, hotdogs, and chocolate pudding cups. A perfect party to kick off summer.

Thanks for the fun in the sun!

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