Thursday, June 18, 2020

6.19.20 Masks

Thank goodness for Addie's mask making. We put them in the closet to wait for the next time we actually all went somewhere. Mostly the kids have been at home for the past 3 months. We did need to work on some immunizations. We found out upon arrival that masks were required for entry. Thus the kids donned much too big masks and we were escorted into our room. It was startling and sad to see the adults literally jump back if we got too close, to only see eyes of all those we interacted with,
The kids of course dropped the masks about 1 second after this picture. What have we become? A no touching no smiling society afraid of each other? That is sad. 

For round two we were better prepared bringing the child size mask. She of course only wore it for a few minutes. She shouldn't have to wear one longer than that.

And when we go home we discovered a cow in hiding. Can you spot it? Oh these lvoely ladies have a great pasture but always love to get out if they can. For some reason leaves are a particular favorite treat.

Can you spot the problem no bottom wire a hole literally big enough for a cow. Her pasture mate was lazily lying inside the fence chewing her cud watching the fun show of humans chasing a cow around the trees. Round and round we went.

I worry a lot about the direction the world is heading the daily evil that is abounding unchecked and worry about what life will be. However, chasing cows and addressing problems is a nice return to the now. No matter what is going on out there there is still a lot of good and need right here. So we keep going around the trees in life and are thankful for the safety we enjoy and pray it continues. 

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