Wednesday, June 3, 2020

6.3.20 Saturday

After the fun of cousins day, the kids wanted to try some rock painting at home too. They had really enjoyed getting to paint at aunt Ruth's house. Here at home they had to use fingers which was no problem. 

 We were so thankful to get strawberries delivered to our door by my sweet fruit delivering dad. We hurried and turned those strawberries into delicious jam. The kids love to listen to stories. We listen to a radio show called the apple seed that shares stories from professionals. They are delightful!

The machine guys, blending the berries. I found a huge bowl of strawberry mush ready for sugar a few minutes later. Yum!

This was the huge motivator driving the crew. Swimming! The first of the year at aunt Annie's. Even though the sky overhead was overcast the water was great.

Harold's first time at the pool he had a great time. Here he's about to toss Afton, which was a shock to her but she bobbed back up. A lecture was delivered and hopefully all learned a bit. Afton that she can come to the surface, and Harold to be careful.

 I strongly love the littlest kid being in a life jacket. She had a great time watching and getting her feet wet once.
We came home to this. A tree down. We were so thankful that it was tipped on the big lawn totally missing our car, the house, and the main power line. The only damage was no internet for the night.

A day full of blessings. Life is good.

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