Saturday, July 10, 2021

7.10.21 Bows and Arrows

Bruce being the curious little brother enjoys rummaging through his older brothers stuff. They had quite a collection of bows and arrows. Bruce rememberd he had a bow with a string he could pull. Thus he got the two out and practiced shooting. 

I make Mark go outside everyday. I think it's important for mental health especially when you use to be an outdoor person to get outside and see the green, smell the farm, hear the life, and feel the grass.  He decided to try out his skills too. 
They lost many arrows in the barley field but had a good time seeing who could shoot the farthest. Man is dreaming about his turn to be big like his brothers. 

Bruce was occupied for hours shooting arrow after arrow. Mark showed him how to shoot high. 

I love sweet times of innocent play. The many ages the newfound abilities and the simplicity of entertaining yourself. We don't have a working TV. We have plenty of laptops though. I miss the ability to just turn on a movie- they help themselves to plenty of YouTube. I love when they play together. I'm so thankful for time in the summer to dream and try. Life is good. 


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