Monday, July 26, 2021

7.27.21 Summer dreaming

The older kids usually run the show here. Their big important activities are what determine the tempo of our days, of course that's not to say that these younger ones just sit and wait for life to happen. They move grow and refuse to sleep with the best of them. One night Aliza went to get a sibling working on shredding wheat stubble. She was surprised by this large moose statue. The kids were all to happy to take a picture by it.     
Another favorite pastime for the younger crowd are paper dolls. Grandma Saunders has several patterns she shares with them periodically. They have lately been designing their own dresses for the dolls. I love the creative side of their minds. 

I use to love to design dresses when I was a little older than them. I loved to imagine being fancy and beautiful with a special place to go. 

 Livy and Afton will spend hours dreaming, drawing, and coloring these gowns. It takes a while to pick up all the paper that is shed in the final creation but it is worth the mess. Summer is such a great time to take time and dream. I'm thankful we still have kids that are in the age of dreaming they have the blessing of time right now soon enough the rush will be on to make money, develop skills, be of good to mankind, learn more, be involved etc but right now it's so important to breathe, develop, and grow. Life is good. 

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